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Zwierzchowski & Nguyen

Free Initial Consultation: 562-426-6522

Mediation Solutions for Non-Married Couples Who Jointly Own Property

At Zwierzchowski & Nguyen, our experienced Long Beach mediation attorneys fully understand that many couples spend decades in fully committed relationships sharing their lives, children, and even businesses together without getting married.

The truth is, you do not have to be married to share all the things married couples have. And if your relationship ends after years of acquiring property together, you should not have to square off in a courtroom to see who gets what when you part ways.

Our experienced mediator in Los Angeles and Orange Counties can help design solutions that will allow each party to find a fair resolution in a non-confrontational setting, so both parties can walk away sooner with results.

Using Mediation Resources to Reach Amicable Solutions Outside the Courtroom

Not unlike married couples, our Long Beach mediation attorneys know that unmarried couples share lots of things, including homes, cars, businesses, and other property.

When non-married couples jointly own property and cannot determine how to divide it when their relationship ends, mediation may be the best approach to producing results.

Without the proper resources, the details of your split and any disputes therein can become convoluted, which means you may spend more time arguing about the details of your relationship instead of solutions for your split, which often leads to an impasse, exhausting any possibility of resolving your property division needs on your own.

Your relationship does not need to turn into a lawsuit. Mediation is a valuable resource that will integrate solutions that both sides can agree on before they leave our offices, so you can put any outstanding disputes behind you.

What are the Benefits of Mediation for Unmarried Couples in Long Beach, California?

Your quality of life could very well depend on a fair property distribution outcome when you are dissolving your relationship with someone with whom you co-own the property.

Unfortunately, the law makes it very clear for married couples, and how their assets and debts will be divided when they get divorced. For non-married couples, the statutes are not as clear.

That is what mediation is for.

Some of the benefits of mediation for non-married couples who jointly own property include:

  • Access to all applicable laws, rules, and guidelines necessary to make well-informed decisions
  • Quickly craft mutually beneficial solutions, instead of enduring the stress and anxiety of a lawsuit
  • Develop quick resolutions during half- or single-day sessions, instead of waiting months for your day in court
  • Spend less money than going to court to tell your side of the story to a judge, whose ruling may be unpredictable
  • Experience absolute privacy, all information exchanged or agreed upon during mediation in California is completely confidential

Our Certified Family Mediators know that just because you are not married does not mean you are not entitled to your portion of the co-owned property that is important to your livelihood.

Contact our family law attorneys Long Beach at Zwierzchowski & Nguyen today by calling (562) 426-6522 to learn how mediation can help you and your partner reach a mutually acceptable resolution in person or online, so you can move forward with confidence.